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Symbol 60: The Intrusion of the Energy of Feeling into the Sphere of Gravity
The Intrusion of the Energy of Feeling into the Sphere of Gravity
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Symbol 60: The Intrusion of the Energy of Feeling into the Sphere of Gravity
The Intrusion of the Energy of Feeling into the Sphere of Gravity
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Symbol 60

A summary explanation of symbol no. 60 – The Intrusion of the Energy of Feeling into the Sphere of Gravity

The symbol shows the intrusion of the energy of feeling (yellow) into the area of gravity (orange). An energy of feeling that is far too strong has penetrated this area. This can occur through grief and worries or other exaggerated emotional states. A human being has, for example, a high position and a lot of responsibility, which it may not be able to cope with, and therefore lives in a state of great nervousness and anxiety. It can also be due to speculation about finances, pangs of conscience or quite other circumstances. As a consequence of this the area of feeling becomes overdimensioned, breaks out and enters the stomach system and the digestive area. In this way stomach ulcers, gastritis, enteritis and many other things can arise.

Here from the mesocosmos we see it as an ulcer in the stomach area, but from the microcosmos we would not see it as an ulcer but as a world conflagration. Just as there are world conflagrations in outer space, so too are there world conflagrations in the microcosmos.

Martinus' own explanation of the symbol can be found in The Eternal World Picture, vol. 5, which is not yet available in English.

See also