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Symbol 59: The Intrusion of the Energy of Gravity into the Sphere of Feeling
The Intrusion of the Energy of Gravity into the Sphere of Feeling
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Symbol 59: The Intrusion of the Energy of Gravity into the Sphere of Feeling
The Intrusion of the Energy of Gravity into the Sphere of Feeling
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Symbol 59

A summary explanation of symbol no. 59 – The Intrusion of the Energy of Gravity into the Sphere of Feeling

The symbol shows the intrusion of the energy of gravity (orange) into the sphere of feeling (yellow). Here many atoms of gravity from the digestive area have penetrated the blood area and the lung system, where explosions occur and illness, for example pneumonia, arises. The atoms of gravity are not suited to being together with the atoms of feeling, and for this reason the explosions occur. When we view the whole from the microcosmos we see this reaction as a world conflagration. We see a lung area that has serious symptoms of infection or inflammation.

Martinus' own explanation of the symbol can be found in The Eternal World Picture, vol. 5, which is not yet available in English.

See also