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Symbol 61: The Intrusion of the Energy of Feeling into the Sphere of Instinct
The Intrusion of the Energy of Feeling into the Sphere of Instinct
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Symbol 61: The Intrusion of the Energy of Feeling into the Sphere of Instinct
The Intrusion of the Energy of Feeling into the Sphere of Instinct
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Symbol 61

A summary explanation of symbol no. 61 – The Intrusion of the Energy of Feeling into the Sphere of Instinct

The symbol shows how the energy of feeling (yellow) can penetrate the area of instinct (red). Both the energy of instinct, which works to a great extent automatically, and the energy of feeling are present in our consciousness and are connected to our thoughts. At primitive stages everything is guided by instinct, but in the human beings much of it is guided by reason and thought. The microworld that is shown on the symbol is subject to the human being’s thought. When a stellar system from the sphere of feeling penetrates the musculature, collisions occur and illness arises. Boils, ulcers, arthritis and many other illnesses can be created.

Martinus' own explanation of the symbol can be found in The Eternal World Picture, vol. 5, which is not yet available in English.

See also