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Symbol 21: The Eternal, Cosmic, Organic Connection between God and the Sons of God 1
The Eternal, Cosmic, Organic Connection between God and the Sons of God 1
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Symbol 21: The Eternal, Cosmic, Organic Connection between God and the Sons of God 1
The Eternal, Cosmic, Organic Connection between God and the Sons of God 1
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Symbol 21

A Summary Explanation of Symbol No. 21 - The Eternal, Cosmic, Organic Connection between God and the Sons of God 1

The symbol symbolises how the living being and the Godhead are eternally and organically connected with one another. Consciousness of this organic connection goes through various stages in the terrestrial human being. At the beginning it is borne by the faculty for having an inkling and the belief in the existence of God that results from this faculty. Belief is gradually replaced by personally experienced knowledge as the faculty of intelligence grows in Man’s psyche. At first the being thereby experiences physically or materially, which results in it experiencing only material answers as realistic facts. Thus the human being, as regards consciousness, removes itself from the Godhead as far as is possible. Through the experience of the darkness, which is the consequence of materialism and godlessness, the faculty of humaneness arises, this being the source of the faculty of intuition, which in turn is the sense for experiencing cosmically.

See also Martinus' description of symbol no. 21 in The Eternal World Picture 2.

The main details of the symbol:

The symbol consists of three parts.

The figure on the right of the symbol shows that every living being is in the middle of the universe or the Godhead, and that its life is an eternal interaction with God.

  • The figure within the black jagged section symbolises the living being or the son of God.
  • The figure outside the black jagged section symbolises the universe or the Godhead.
  • The black jagged section indicates that the distance between God and the son of God is eternally the same, regardless of whether the son of God knows it or not.

The top left part of the symbol shows four stages in the connection between the living being and God. The round figures, each containing a triangle, symbolise the living being at each of the four stages.

  • The figure furthest to the left describes a so-called primitive human being’s first inkling of the existence of higher beings, spirits or gods.
  • The next figure symbolises a being that believes in one true, real Godhead.
  • The third figure symbolises the materialistic or godless human being.
  • The fourth figure symbolises the finished or completed human being that day-consciously experiences God.

The bottom left part of the symbol shows the communication between the physical plane and the spiritual plane.

  • The bottommost section with the orange triangles symbolises physical human beings on the physical plan.
  • The two sections above that, with yellow triangles, symbolise spiritual beings on spiritual planes of existence.
  • The bottommost section is divided into five sections:
    • The first section from the left shows a being that contacts another being for help. This other being will not or cannot help.
    • The second section shows a being that prays to God for help; its prayers are heard in that another physical being receives from the spiritual plane an impulse to help.
    • The third section shows a high-intellectual being with a high spiritual standard, who, when working creatively, can unconsciously receive inspiration from the spiritual plane.
    • The fourth section shows mediumistic communication with spiritual beings.
    • The fifth section shows a cosmically conscious being’s day-conscious connection with the spiritual planes.
See also