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Symbol 22: The Eternal, Cosmic, Organic Connection between God and the Sons of God 2
The Eternal, Cosmic, Organic Connection between God and the Sons of God 2
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Symbol 22: The Eternal, Cosmic, Organic Connection between God and the Sons of God 2
The Eternal, Cosmic, Organic Connection between God and the Sons of God 2
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Symbol 22

A Summary Explanation of Symbol No. 22 - The Eternal, Cosmic, Organic Connection between God and the Sons of God 2

This symbol symbolises the individual living being’s cosmic connection with the Godhead. Martinus describes how on the spiritual plane there is a kingdom of completely evolved human beings that constitute the Godhead’s primary organs of consciousness. These superterrestrial beings constitute a cosmic governance that promotes world redemption. It is through the beings that make up this governance that God perceives the living beings’ prayers and answers them.

See also Martinus' description of symbol no. 22 in The Eternal World Picture 2.

The main details of the symbol:

  • The white and violet pyramid shape symbolises the organic structure of the cosmic connection between every individual being and the Godhead.
  • The large triangle at the top symbolises the I of the Godhead.
  • The triangle in the middle symbolises the I of the son of God. The coloured sections connected to it symbolise the physical body of the son of God, with which he experiences the physical world.

The two dark, thick, almost transverse lines divide the symbol in two parts:

  • The upper part constitutes the spiritual world.
  • The lower part symbolises the individual unfinished human being surrounded by the physical world, which consists of the mineral kingdom (indigo), the plant kingdom (red), the animal kingdom (orange) and the physical part of the future real human kingdom (yellow).
  • In the lower part the unfinished human beings are symbolised in the animal kingdom in the sections from the short orange rays to the yellow rays.
    • The two shortest rays symbolise the very primitive, early human stages, stages that are more ape stages than human stages and that no longer exist on Earth.
    • The next ray symbolises our present primitive human stages, which will soon be a thing of the past on the Earth.
    • The last ray but one before the yellow rays symbolises civilised human beings. They are geniuses as regards creating in physical matter.
    • The half-orange and half-yellow ray symbolises beings that have a highly developed faculty of humaneness. They are absolutely natural vegetarians, and they prefer to avoid all discord, and are very willing to forgive their enemies. They begin to have an inkling that there must be a divine plan, and that life must have a loving meaning. They also return to praying to God and discover the power of prayer.
See also