Chapter 6
What we can see in the radiance of the Saviour
Jesus of Nazareth thus became a model for mankind, became the light, the sun, whose rays have penetrated across the world to the most distant peoples. In the still weak early light of those rays we see the silhouette of the soft outlined Mount of Olives and the towers and domes of Jerusalem. The light grows in strength, the picture draws nearer, time ceases to exist. We sense the idyllic atmosphere in the garden at Gethsemane and hear the low murmur of the brook Cedron; from the Lake of Gennesaret wafts a mild breeze. In a grove at the foot of the Mount there approaches a small group of men. The man in the centre of them is about thirty years old. He wears a red robe, on his feet he has sandals, but his head is uncovered. His face is handsome and framed by black ringlets. The light in his eyes and the wisdom and crystal clearness of his speech are the only signs which could disclose that he is the rising spiritual sun for millions of men, the future Saviour Jesus of Nazareth.
      They are going in the direction of Jerusalem. An important mission is very shortly to be fulfilled. The salvation of the world is about to be realised. Soon there will occur God's greatest gift to those on earth: the demonstration of a code of behaviour which can save the world from darkness, and the crowning of a king whose kingdom is not of this world.
      Although this favour of God's lasts three days, yet it will be shared by generations in the two thousand years to come; representatives from all classes of all peoples will take part.
      The chief person in this important ceremony, the greatest high priest in the world, the man in the red robe, is now with his companions in Jerusalem at Golgotha, the high altar for the ritual which concerns the whole world.
      Through darkness and earthquake, lightning and thunder, through groans and clamour, and suffering and death, there penetrate the immeasurable beams of light which come from the vague silhouette of Golgotha. The veil of the temple is rent in twain giving to men and women of all races the power to enter the sanctuary. God's wonderful boon of world salvation has begun. The holy spirit is sending light over the world.
      In the first dawn of this divine light we clearly see Bethlehem and Nazareth, the desert, the Jordan and the Sea of Galilee, Capernaum and Bethany. The strong midday light bathes Jerusalem, the high priest's courtyard and Pilate's palace, the "Via Dolorosa", the crosses on Golgotha and the sepulchre of the resurrection. While the evening radiance is still glowing, far away in the darkness the last agony of the kingdom of beasts is at its height, the "end of the world", with its fortifications and trenches and war machines, its revolutions and wretchedness. And like the last rays of the bright cross on the high altar in Palestine shines the fulfilment of the eternal promise "Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world". And the elements are working for man through the imposing installations of his power-stations, through his means of transport and wireless telephony, et cetera. Man has begun to make the earth obey him. And when he acquires the power of managing and distributing the valuable things of life fairly and when he utilises this divine gift, then the sweat of slavery will cease to be possible. As the last glimmers of light in the great divine ministry on Golgotha die away, we see then that "new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness" are beginning to become facts. We see mankind saved, darkness conquered, and the lost sons again with their Father. God will again walk with Adam and Eve in Paradise.