Table of Contents for
1.    The reason for the intense longing for a world saviour
2.    The world saviours, in the East and in the West
3.    Jesus' mission
4.    The adoption of the code of behaviour of the Saviour is the only road to "salvation" for mankind
5.    The reason why we speak here in some detail of the way of living and sufferings of the Saviour
6.    What we can see in the radiance of the Saviour
7.    The earth is spiritually turned by "God made Man" in the direction of light and love
8.    Guidance as to how men should accept their fate
9.    A meeting between Judas and the Saviour in the kingdom of the dead
10.    The priests become fearful and double the guard over Jesus' sepulchre
11.    "I am the resurrection, and the life"
12.    The events at the sepulchre on Easter morning
13.    The Master and his disciples
14.    God's emissary meets his friends and returns to his Father
15.    Superstition and the world's salvation
16.    Mankind's path through darkness into light