Chapter 10
The priests become fearful and double the guard over Jesus' sepulchre
In Jerusalem there reigned great confusion. The crucifixion of the Nazarene had not become the success which had been expected. The terrifying phenomena, the eclipse of the sun, the earthquake, the lightning and the thunder, which had coincided with the crucifixion, had surrounded the "chosen people of God" with an oppressive atmosphere. The city was enveloped in mists of doubt. The holy spirit of God began to pulsate in many brains. Here and there there began to spring up the still nebulous thought that the crucified Jesus was nevertheless the prophesied Messiah. Jesus' executioners suffered the same torments as other murderers, they were greatly alarmed lest the truth about their actions against Jesus should be disclosed, lest the attitude of the mob should turn in favour of the crucified man and lest their religious authority should perish. They feared even the lifeless body of the Son of God, and therefore they had the sepulchre guarded by an extra guard. The earthly remains of the Son of God thus lay behind a stone slab half a yard thick and a cordon of Roman soldiers dressed in iron and steel.
      But behind all this the Saviour was preparing for a further appearance in the physical sphere. A further great radiation from Judea, from the great divine ministry, was to vibrate over the material world. For his faithful friends the indestructibility of life was being demonstrated even in the physical sphere.