The Christmas Gospel
Chapter 7
In the present humanity's consciousness, a battle is fought between the "Christ-mentality and Herodian dictatorship"
When we see the living being appear as a man or as a woman, it is the newborn Christ-child in the manger we are witnessing.
      But gradually the "child" grows up and the "manger" is replaced with a new organism that is not intended as a "sleeping place" for a "newborn Christ" or the being's "cosmic consciousness", but on the contrary as a means of revelation for this or a rendering visible of "man in God's image". The terrestrial human being is a being who through evolution will grow to become conscious of its high divine origin as "son of God" and will, when this growth is complete, experience itself as "king", which here in this case is to say: a supreme cosmic being in contact with life and nature, as far as thinking and willing is concerned, and being thus "one with the Father". Indeed, so closely does this terrestrial human being's "cosmic birth" follow the Christmas Gospel's historical account that not even the presence of the "three wise men" is missing. The Christmas Gospel tells of the three wise men who predicted by the stars the Christ-child's birth and place of birth and therefore left to go and celebrate the "royal child" and help it by supporting it in its "poverty". What was the use of those great gifts, "gold and frankincense" or other valuable objects, that they gave the child? Could it be that because of these gifts the poor craftsman with his wife and child were able to escape to Egypt, away from the murderous persecution of Herod, king of the Jews? But is not the "Christ-child" in the form of the terrestrial human being in exactly the same situation, cosmically speaking? Is it not also confronted with a "Herod" that with a bloodthirsty and murderous anxiety and jealousy wants to eradicate the "Christ-child", which here means the Christ-mentality in its consciousness? Is not this "Herod" a force that seeks to keep the terrestrial human being enslaved in chains to the worship of animal traditions, forms of ignorance and hate's myriad killing details? What is the great world drama that has just passed over the world? Are not the massacres of the children of Bethlehem transplanted to the twentieth century's terrestrial human beings? Are not the progenitors of these massacres autocratic, jealous dictators who at any cost, by any means available, would exterminate every single factor or living being that could compete with them for dominion based on power? Are not the progenitors of the crude power dictatorships of today, whether this occurs as "dictatorship of capital" or as the equally godless "political dictatorship", "Herods" (persecutors) of the Christ-mentality in the terrestrial human being in the same way as the Jewish Herod was the persecutor of the Christ-mentality or "royal dignity" in the infant Jesus's mentality in Bethlehem? Do not both these dictatorships give might instead of right pride of place? Have not millions of people had to walk through concentration camps, which were equipped with deadly perverse or sadistic means of torture, gas chambers and cremation ovens, in order by these, finally, to be scattered to the winds as ashes? Not even a grave for these people was vouchsafed. But why? Was it not because they belonged to races with which one was competing for economic and material world domination? That is, rivals to the desire for possession of absolute material power over the whole of terrestrial humanity.