Table of Contents for
The Christmas Gospel
1.    The Christmas Gospel is in its deepest analysis a mystery, an occult phenomenon
2.    In the age of "belief" the religious urge was satisfied and supported by "divine suggestion"
3.    Why the religious principle in our time is a mere detail, whilst the purely materialistic analyses, weights and measures are regarded as the main thing in the lives of the beings
4.    The materialistic understanding of the Christmas Gospel will itself in the best case be merely a worthless fact
5.    The Christmas Gospel is not merely a historic event, but also constitutes a symbol for the terrestrial human being's cosmic fate
6.    The perfect human being's "birth" must begin in animal surroundings and traditions
7.    In the present humanity's consciousness, a battle is fought between the "Christ-mentality and Herodian dictatorship"
8.    When one is oneself the traitor to truth and justice that one accuses others of being
9.    A so-called democratic society that cannot show a vanquished foe mercy bears its name unjustly
10.    The "three holy kings" and the three great world religions
11.    By means of that power, which is embodied in the world religions in the form of neighbourly love, the escape from darkness takes place
12.    The myth of the Virgin Mary's conception
13.    The terrestrial human being's gradual transformation into a Christ-being can take place only in the "animal kingdom"
14.    Why the notion of "virgin birth" has been linked to the birth of Jesus
15.    The perfect human being is not a "man" or "woman", just as one does not marry in the kingdom of heaven
16.    The law of neighbourly love can no more be fulfilled without an organic structure than the law of marriage
17.    When one goes against nature's normal development of the sympathetic faculties with dictatorship, violence and the death penalty
18.    The terrestrial human being's organic structure and the relationship to war and suffering in the world that is based on it
19.    Religious and materialistic Pharisaism
20.    The terrestrial human being finds itself at an extraordinarily profound mental crossroads
21.    The world's greatest works of art have been created not by the specifically male or female mentality or by the drive for self-preservation, but by the Christ-mentality
22.    The difference between the department store and the museum of art
23.    Artistic masterpieces are "caresses"
24.    When the terrestrial human beings shackle each other in the legalised robbery of their lives
25.    The "kingdom of heaven" or the real world peace is not a world built on the race to rob living hours from fellow beings
26.    When science is not art and art is not science
27.    The true genius reveals only love through its knowledge and power
28.    Falling in love is like an intoxication and veils the truth
29.    The being is gradually developed to be able to be born in a special "Christ-body" instead of a specific male or female organism
30.    The sexual pole state of the beings and the total fulfilment of the law of neighbourly love
31.    Sexual delusions and abnormalities during the pole development of the terrestrial human being
32.    The perfect human being's principle of reproduction or foundation for the physical survival of its species
33.    The downfall of the animal kingdom and the "resurrection of Christ" in the terrestrial human being
34.    The Christmas Gospel is not just a historical account of Jesus of Nazareth; it is also God's revelation of the cosmic identity and fate of the terrestrial human being