The Christmas Gospel
Chapter 31
Sexual delusions and abnormalities during the pole development of the terrestrial human being
Now, perhaps there are readers who will ask if it is really the intention that a man should love another man in the same way he usually loves a woman and whether a woman should love another woman in the same way she usually loves a man. And here, of course, the answer to a very high degree must be a denial. Of course, it is not the intention of life that a man should love a man or woman love a woman, because in that case it would not at all have been necessary for life or Providence to transform either the man or the woman into completely new sexual beings. Since the purely male being and female being are organically created to be able to love only the opposite sex, neither the man nor the woman can love their own sex in a perfect way. And since the beings of this sex are just as much one's neighbour as the opposite sex is, one thus cannot possibly perfectly fulfil the law of love, which absolutely stipulates that one must love one's neighbour as oneself, as long as one more or less appears as a man or woman. To command that a male being shall love a male being and a female being love a female being, or that a man shall love a man and a woman shall love a woman, is just as foolish as commanding that a fish should live in the air and a bird live in the water. However, if there are any beings, men and women in whom there is a tendency to love their own sex, this indeed confirms only that there is within them already arising the new organic structure that shall transform the "animal" in the terrestrial human being into a Christ-being or the "perfect human being in God's image".
      But here it cannot be sufficiently made clear that this new sympathy for its own sex is miles away from its purpose if it appears as a glowing desire to possess this or that being of its own sex for itself and thus reveals its originator as a correspondingly glowing "in-love" being. Yet an "in-love" being must also feel jealousy and thus, in its mentality, hold all the usual marital torments, unhappy love and the ensuing deep depression. Such a being cannot therefore be a representative of the "new human being", the Christ-being or balanced being. On the contrary, it constitutes the same imbalance as the one that promotes the masculine and feminine being's tribulations, sorrows and sufferings. And it does not make matters better that it is the sexual pole in the being, which it does not yet have the organism for, that is dominating. If a man is in love with another man and here feels the desire to possess and torments of jealousy, it will indeed indicate only that his masculine pole is to the same degree put out of action, and that the being is therefore ruled by its feminine pole, in other words, he has become a kind of woman in a male organism. That this is crying out against the meaning and purpose of life and therefore has to be turned onto its correct path, the balance or equal cooperation of the poles in the mentality of the being, is naturally a matter of course. The same naturally applies also to any woman who may appear under similar circumstances.
      When these phenomena can occur, it is due to an all too rapid or unnaturally intensified development of the opposite pole in the being. But the torments and sufferings that this development entails will indeed gradually dampen this overly rapid pace of sexual development so that the same pole's unfurling is limited so much that there can again be room for the ordinary pole's unfurling, and the individual can thereby come to an appropriate sexual balance or equilibrium for its step. And with this equilibrium between the two sexual poles of the individual and the resulting equal cooperation between the same two poles in the mentality, the area of the animal shadow side begins to be removed from the being's appearance. And this begins then to move across its neighbour's mental skies as a luminous and warming mental sun. One wishes happiness for the one that one loves. In situations where this is not the case, in reality it is only oneself that one loves.