The Christmas Gospel
Chapter 29
The being is gradually developed to be able to be born in a special "Christ-body" instead of a specific male or female organism
It is the living-out of this normality that frees the terrestrial human being from the partiality that prevents it from seeing the absolute truth in everything and everyone. It sees the truth only in relation to its partiality, and wishes to see and experience only phenomena or things that can be wood for this life's interim, solitary warming fire. The fact that this being's interpretations of life do not become scientific analyses of its absolute structure, its immortality and universal love and the perfect human being or the "image of the eternal Godhead" revealed through this, but on the contrary becomes an overriding declaration or manifestation of the animal's normality, its particular male or female sexual desire and the consequent justification of jealousy, rights of ownership and all other forms of egoism or hatred, war or discord-making moments, is here a matter of course. That the kingdom of heaven or a real kingdom of peace cannot consist of such sexually partial beings is of course equally self-evident. That the finished "Christ-being", the perfect human being or being in "God's image" cannot be a mere male being or a mere female being, but must be a being that is not held down in the cold, blood-dripping spheres of partiality and self-worship by an organic structure that can determine only biased manifestations, becomes easily comprehensible here. In connection with the appearance and identity of the terrestrial human being as "Christ-child" we cannot ignore the concept of virgin birth, that is, a birth that is not the result of a male or female being's being "one flesh" or sexual intercourse. Through the terrestrial lives, in proportion to the development of the Christ-principle in its mentality, it attains the ability to be born in a specific Christ-body, which means a body that does not constitute a specific male organism or a specific female organism. Since these two forms of organism, according to their sexual structure, are indeed special tools for partiality, they cannot possibly be special tools for the opposite: selflessness and universal love. That the male animal organism and the female animal organism must therefore degenerate in the terrestrial human being depending on whether the universal or neighbourly love seriously begins to become the individual's highest desire or craving, is thus an inevitable natural law.
      However, just as the animal mentality, selfishness or sexual possessiveness or ownership can be manifested through only the specific male organism and female organism, so too can the perfect Christ-mentality also be manifested through only a body that does not constitute a specific male or female organism. How else would the being be free from partiality towards the opposite sex and the resulting rivalry, jealousy and urge for revenge?