The Christmas Gospel
Chapter 26
When science is not art and art is not science
When a so-called work of art is not art it is because the creator has lacked the knowledge and skill to bring its work into one hundred per cent contact with the laws of life or its vibration of creation. And when it is not on a wavelength with it, it will to a corresponding degree appear as disharmony. Since it is not therefore perfect, it will to a corresponding degree be misleading. It will thus bring those beings who cannot see the imperfection to go astray in their perception of the part of life that they are becoming familiar with through the said work of art, be it landscape, figures or abstract phenomena. It is exactly the same here as with a book or a literary work. To the extent this deviates from being a one hundred per cent perfection, to the same extent is it also misleading and its narratives or analyses false. Whoever is to learn the absolute truth or reality from such a production thus becomes led away from the true facts to a corresponding degree as the said work is misleading. And only the imperfect being can perceive the said book to be a complete work of art.
      If a science is not art, it is also because it is not in one hundred per cent contact with the laws of life, for which reason it must necessarily appear as a disharmony. Everywhere where science is not art it will bring misery and suffering to humans. Is it not precisely by virtue of such science that large parts of the earth are laid waste, that millions of people died in death camps with gas chambers, torture instruments and other scientific inventions? And what does one think of the atom bombs and the destruction of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where thousands of human beings, children, adults and old people were without warning suddenly wiped out by flames of hell made by science in the midst of their daily lives on the way to school, the factory and office? Is it art? Is it perfection? Is it a revelation of absolute truth? Is it the ultimate meaning and purpose of life that is here unwaveringly revealed to us? If it is not, how can it be art? And if it is not art, which means that it is not a perfect revelation of the meaning of life and therefore must be an imperfect or false revelation of this meaning, how can this atomic bombing then be science? A science that is not truth cannot be science. Only fools or ignorant hordes let themselves be dazzled by all that camouflaged untruth of science and the exercise of the will or behaviour that results from this.