The Christmas Gospel
Chapter 25
The "kingdom of heaven" or the real world peace is not a world built on the race to rob living hours from fellow beings
The department store is therefore the flower of the world or mental sphere in which one "rather receives than gives" and thereby impedes its full, complete intellectual liberty. The terrestrial human being has become a mental slave, a prisoner to money, whether it is as a tramp or a Croesus. Neither of these two forms of appearance meet the conditions for world peace. And this will also be impossible as long as these two forms of manifestation are common. The "kingdom of heaven" or real world peace is not a world of either legal or illegal slaves or slave owners. It is not a world of individuals with master-race tendencies. It is not a kingdom or a sphere based on the race to rob the living hours of fellow beings. It can be only a world where everyone loves everyone, or every individual loves its neighbour as itself. The Christmas Gospel is thus not a beautiful postulate, but is, on the other hand, terrestrial humanity's highest science. And it is this science that radiates from everything that reveals itself as truly ingenious art and creates atmosphere in the mighty halls of the great museums of art, sending out its world-beautifying atmosphere from their walls, shelves and displays. We see there is here also the converted living hours, but they are no longer a means of payment in the economy of mental and physical slavery. Now, consciously or unconsciously of their origin, they have managed to become what they were originally intended for, namely to caress every viewer and cast a heavenly or supernatural inspirational light deep into his soul, thus giving him the sense of the existence of a higher world than the slave- or master-race existence based on the buying and selling of living hours, which we have up to now regarded as culture and civilisation. The states' major museums of art are thus the incipient result of the entry of the "real human kingdom" into the terrestrial sphere. Everything that constitutes truly ingenious art can be only a culmination of science, just as science itself can be manifested only as ingenious art. Thus, these two factors together form a unity that can exist only as a real caress, which means to say that the same unity is exclusively for the viewer's joy and blessing. An art that in its structure does not represent the highest science in its field is not art, just as a science that is not art is no real science.