The Christmas Gospel
Chapter 17
When one goes against nature's normal development of the sympathetic faculties with dictatorship, violence and the death penalty
Through these various excerpts from the law of Moses, so fecund with passages about death concerning the sexual principle and the consequent expression of the sympathetic faculties, we see there that a tremendous wall of death was put around the individual's mental attitude. Behind this mental dictatorship there lay not the slightest scientific knowledge of the individual's sexual and therefore mental structure beyond the purely coarse animal faculties that determine bodily procreation and the survival of the species. That one therefore kept watch over these purely coarse faculties with capital punishment is understandable. And that the unadulterated state of these coarse faculties could not be preserved in any other way than by the annihilation of all those beings that could not be "one flesh" permanently with their spouses throughout their whole terrestrial lives, but went off the rails with their sympathetic feelings toward other beings, be they their own sex as well as the opposite sex, is a perception that absolutely had to be the fundamental basis of a people or a structure of society that sought world domination over all other people in the world and through this desire felt like "God's chosen ones". That one through all means tried to economise with the reproductive forces and lead them in to the most favourable ways for propagation was of course obvious. A nation of one hundred million people obviously finds it easier to become a great power than a nation of two million. We have since seen this thought become a favourite idea amongst all the other people who have also fallen for the desire to become master of the world. The dictators or leaders of these people have all made propaganda to have many children for through this the way is paved for the creation of many soldiers, mighty armies and fleets. And what was the result? Was not the people of the law of Moses in a so to speak permanent exile, in which it was dispersed and scattered to the winds, far away from their own country, subjected to the whim of many other peoples or nations millennium after millennium? And have not the other stormers of the world fared even worse? Where are they at today, the great dictators who promised their people world domination? Did they not have to perish miserably through murder or suicide? Are their minions not waiting for just as demeaning and degrading a death on the war criminals' scaffold? Are their people not currently at the mercy of the victors' grace and charity? Are not their once so proud and ingenious cultural products, buildings, factories, schools, universities and cities heaps of ruins and piles of ash? Do we not see here how "all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword" or that "whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap" and that "whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased"?