The Christmas Gospel
Chapter 13
The terrestrial human being's gradual transformation into a Christ-being can take place only in the "animal kingdom"
When a "Christ-child" is to be born, one can be speaking about only one single place where this "birth" can take place, namely in the "animal kingdom". A being cannot be born or come into being in a world where it is already born or exists. Where it does not exist, there it can come into existence. But in order to come into existence there, it must indeed be born in that place. But to be born in the animal kingdom's highest sphere or zone inevitably requires a set of parents, by whose aid a birth can be manifested and a being's incarnation in flesh and blood be achieved. These parents cannot themselves be "Christ-beings". They must be beings belonging to the animal kingdom's principle of incarnation or reproduction. They must be man and woman. They must be a "Joseph" and a "Mary", which here means they must be male and female. Without such a "Joseph" and "Mary", a "Christ-child" cannot possibly be born or come into existence. The birth of the "Christ-being" and therefore the "kingdom of Christ" can take place only from within the "animal kingdom", in accordance with the eternal laws of the spiral cycle.
      This zone is thus the one and only "womb" in the universe from which the said being and thus the said kingdom can be born or come into being. And when the continued existence of the "animal kingdom" is based solely on the two sexual poles   the feminine and the masculine principle's splitting into specific beings in the form of male beings and female beings   these specific beings or two sexes become male and female, which respectively are the terrestrial human being's "Joseph" and "Mary" during its "birth" and appearance as a "cosmic Christ-child".
      Any "Christ-child" on earth, both the infant Jesus in Bethlehem and the terrestrial human being's cosmic identity with this child, can thus be born only in the "animal kingdom", since this kingdom is the same as the "death" that Adam and Eve were to experience as a result of their "eating of the tree of knowledge". The "animal kingdom" also constitutes the limitation of consciousness that makes the being an uninitiated being, completely without "cosmic consciousness", which is to say that it is completely without any self-experienced knowledge of its high celestial, cosmic origins as an immortal son of God and likewise without any particular love of its neighbour, but on the contrary is dominated to an exceeding degree by a great ability to worship itself. That its life or existence is therefore to a corresponding degree based on being at the expense of its neighbour, and that it sometimes persecutes, tortures and kills him if it feels it necessary for its own existence, is naturally a matter of course. A being with such a mental structure is an "animal", whether it crawls on four legs or has an upright gait on two legs and can lift its eyes towards the sun and the stars. And since a "birth of Christ's" manifestation or highest appearance can be caused by only such a being's gradual transformation or metamorphosis through reincarnation to a being with neighbourly love and with senses through which it can once again "see God", and through this sight again experience its cosmic identity as an "immortal son of God" and thus the realisation of its supernatural or heavenly rank, this "birth of Christ" can therefore take place only in the "animal kingdom".
      And as it furthermore can take place only through reincarnation, and this again in the "animal kingdom's" highest sphere is conditional on the sexual pole-splitting's specific beings, "male" and "female" or "men" and "women's" uniting in the fusion of their mutual sexual release, the "virgin birth" will therefore be here an absolute impossibility.