The Christmas Gospel
Chapter 12
The myth of the Virgin Mary's conception
But around the terrestrial human being's identity as "Christ-child", there is found also a "Joseph" and "Mary". We read about how the infant Jesus in Bethlehem had a pair of parents just like other children. However, tradition attempts to explain away this perfectly natural and absolutely essential phenomenon. One has misunderstood the infant Jesus's divine or supernatural relationship with the Godhead and believed that the said child's purely "filial" relationship to this being was simply an earthly family relationship. It was therefore believed that Mary's conception was carried out directly by the Godhead and not by an earthly man. Jesus would thus be a being who actually had the Godhead as a purely physical father in the same way as he had Mary as a physical mother. The Godhead and the Virgin Mary have therefore by this account literally had a purely physical, sexual relationship. It is true that people have not been fond of expressing the phenomenon in such a simple and obvious way as used here, but the principle in their opinions or beliefs is the same. One has on the other hand sought to cover up or obscure the problem behind a kind of artificial fog by explaining that the virgin, the mother of Jesus became pregnant by "the Holy Spirit". But what lies in these words?
      Since "spirit" can never in any circumstances be anything other than consciousness, and consciousness constitutes the fundamental predominant factor in every living being's organism, those words say purely and simply that the Virgin Mary was made pregnant by a living being. And when Christ later saw the Godhead as his "heavenly Father" and the angel announced to the Virgin Mary that "the Holy Spirit" would come over her, one has interpreted this to be an indication that the Godhead was Jesus's earthly or purely physical father. But when one has not been able to imagine a straightforward physical intercourse between the Godhead and the Virgin Mary, one has therefore sought to cover the problem by explaining that the conception was something otherworldly. And this mystery or artificial fog, called virgin birth, veiled the whole problem with a false sheen. And millions of people lived and do live in the unshakeable faith in Jesus of Nazareth as a kind of "physical son" of not Joseph but the Godhead. How does one suppose these beings could understand it differently? They had still not at all any fundamental insight into the cosmic laws and principles. They had to perceive and judge from their own purely physical experiences. And according to these the infant Jesus could not possibly be the "son of God" if he had an earthly, physical father like other children. One therefore absolutely had to believe in the mysterious relationship between the Virgin Mary and the Godhead. One did not understand that the Virgin Mary obviously had not been made pregnant, but on the other hand had been overshadowed by "the Holy Spirit" or Godhead. On the other hand, she obviously conceived or was made pregnant by Joseph, which the surviving biblical genealogy regarding Jesus thus also affirms or confirms in the highest degree. It shows how Jesus of Nazareth or Christ is the forty-second generation in the direct lineage from Abraham. Indeed, at the end of this genealogy it is said: "…and Eliud begot Eleazar, and Eleazar begot Matthan, and Matthan begot Jacob, and Jacob begot Joseph, the husband of Mary of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ". But what does this genealogy have to do with Jesus or Christ if Joseph was not Jesus's father?
      Biblical language or narrative is thus clear enough. In its lines or between them it is of course very clear that Joseph is Jesus's physical or corporeal father. Jesus is thus just like all other children, the child of a pair of earthly, physical parents. And how could it well be otherwise?