The Christmas Gospel
Chapter 11
By means of that power, which is embodied in the world religions in the form of neighbourly love, the escape from darkness takes place
What then is this priceless gift, what is this "gold, frankincense and myrrh" these beings have left the helpless terrestrial human being in the form of the "Christ-child" in the crib? Indeed, is not the essence of this gift simply neighbourly love? Is it not simply by means of this that humanity, peace or the "good will" that is the "kingdom of heaven" may through the said "Christ-child" be preserved and thereby keep this as a sovereign son of God or pretender to the throne of the "kingdom of God" or to become "one with the Father", "one with the Way, the Truth, and the Life", one with immortality, eternity and salvation? And are not the progenitors of the great world religions more or less "kings" or "princes" in the sphere of love or humanity? What earthly king has more devoted and faithful willing subjects than these three supernatural or cosmic kings? What earthly king after his physical death or beyond his earthly tomb could continue to rule millions and millions of people, generation after generation, for thousands of years as each of these "kings"? In truth, their physical death and burial was only an outer ceremony in and for flesh and blood, but their spirit shows us a still ongoing eternal resurrection beyond the grave. They speak to their devoted, volunteer subjects with immense force to this day. They govern, guide and control these souls with the eternal truth that had been their spirit, word and character. And there, where souls are ruled by the word of truth or these beings' pure spirit, there takes place the "flight into Egypt", the escape from the darkness, which is again the same as the totally unshakeable and steadfast overcoming of the prince of darkness. There the "Christ-child" is saved and the "King Herod" is left behind to ruin in the pitch black sphere of his own hatred. There opens the grave's granite gates for the finished "Christ", and the perfect king of light can get out of the tomb while the gates close for the imperfect darkness and prince of hatred, who has long since set his course towards its centre. And from the thus resurrected "Christ" love can now shine and sparkle unobstructed in the world and give his surroundings or fellow beings the "good will" that for all eternity has been determined as every son of God's highest nature and most fundamental sense of the eternal Father's presence. Indeed, the "three holy kings" in the form of the originators of the world religions, came to be, for the "Christ-child" in the form of the terrestrial human being, an immense blessing in its struggle with "Herod" or the animal kingdom's dark powers.