The Christmas Gospel
Chapter 10
The "three holy kings" and the three great world religions
But we have already remarked before that the "Christ-child" in the form of the terrestrial human being was also the object of the tribute or attention of the "three holy kings". There certainly is not a great deal the gospel tells of the "three holy kings" or "wise men from the East", but we have, however, gleaned from it that they undertook the great journey into the distance in order to worship and serve the heavenly royal child who, as the star showed, was to be born at a certain place. We know that these kings found the infant Jesus and that they hailed it and donated gifts and thus helped to protect and serve it. We have already suggested that these "gifts" were instrumental in making it possible for the poor craftsman with his wife and child to make the long trip or escape to the land of Egypt, away from Herod, the pursuing prince of darkness and hatred. We have also seen how the "Christ-child" in the form of the terrestrial human being also faces in principle a persecuting "Herod". And the question now becomes: how will this child be able to escape from "Herod"? Is there facing the terrestrial human being or cosmic "Christ-child" something that enables it to escape from the prince of darkness? Has it received princely gifts through which it is able to "travel to Egypt"? Yes, to the highest degree. Present before the terrestrial human "Christ-child" are also today "three holy kings", who have completely yielded themselves to the child. They have made a very long journey just to be able to serve the "newborn royal child". And they have each sacrificed on the altar of this "child" the very highest that can be given, namely, the whole of their lives. These three great "kings" or "wise men" are the progenitors of the three major world religions: Islam, Buddhism and Christianity. Are these gifts not "princely"? Are there any kinds of gift that to a greater extent can make it possible for people on earth to "escape" from the bloody persecutions of the dark prince "Herod"? How could the little helpless "Christ-child", which constitutes the terrestrial human being, "save his life" without these gifts, which in this case means maintaining its cosmically innate "kingship" as heir to the kingdom of heaven? Who can come to the Father except through the essence of the priceless supernatural gift that these three world religions must be said to be? Without this gift the terrestrial human being's cosmic life would have been in the greatest danger. But by virtue of that gift it has been able to "escape to Egypt", to a country or a zone where the power of the prince of darkness can never, ever reach.