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Symbol 87: Human superstition about our neighbour. The cosmic rays of the sun, macrocosmic vital force
Human superstition about our neighbour. The cosmic rays of the sun, macrocosmic vital force
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Symbol 87: Human superstition about our neighbour. The cosmic rays of the sun, macrocosmic vital force
Human superstition about our neighbour. The cosmic rays of the sun, macrocosmic vital force
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Symbol 87

A summary explanation of symbol no. 87 – Human superstition about our neighbour. The cosmic rays of the sun, macrocosmic vital force

The symbol shows human superstition about our neighbour. People must reach a point where they understand that they are not all on the same step in evolution.

  • The round figures symbolise different people: those with a strong touch instinct (red), those with a strong touch of feeling (yellow) and those with a strong touch of intelligence (green). These people belong on the corresponding steps, but people do not think about this in their ordinary, daily lives. They believe that everyone is on the same step in evolution and that they all have the same preconditions.
  • On the uppermost part of the symbol we see the sun’s cosmic rays, which constitute macrocosmic vital force. We see its radiance from the universe to the organism, to the consciousness. Without the solar centre we could not exist in our present form.

Martinus' own explanation of the symbol can be found in The Eternal World Picture, vol. 6, which is not yet available in English.

See also