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Symbol 44: The Law of Existence - Love One Another!
The Law of Existence - Love One Another!
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Symbol 44: The Law of Existence - Love One Another!
The Law of Existence - Love One Another!
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Symbol 44

A Summary Explanation of Symbol No. 44 - The Law of Existence - Love One Another!

Martinus wrote no explanation of this symbol. It is included in the article “At the Turn of the Year”, which Martinus wrote in 1934. The article concludes with the following words:

Therefore, let us bid the new year welcome remembering: that at the end of the old year terrestrial mankind has come yet one unit of measure closer to the regions of happiness; that its individuals, despite present and coming sufferings, are, however, "celestial travellers", immortal "passengers" on a star in a world of stars on course towards the pinnacles of life, light and happiness; and that even now up above the dark Earth and the dark animal kingdom an atmosphere of light has begun to shine and emanate from the distant horizon ahead, an atmosphere of light that vibrates exclusively in the great commandment of love, "Love one another".

Read Martinus' article with symbol no. 44 in The Eternal World Picture 4.

See also