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Symbol 43: Symbol of Livets Bog (The Book of Life) at its Present Stage (1933)
Symbol of Livets Bog (The Book of Life) at its Present Stage (1933)
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Symbol 43: Symbol of Livets Bog (The Book of Life) at its Present Stage (1933)
Symbol of Livets Bog (The Book of Life) at its Present Stage (1933)
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Symbol 43

A Summary Explanation of Symbol No. 43 - Symbol of Livets Bog (The Book of Life) at its Present Stage (1933)

After the first volume of Livets Bog (The Book of Life) was published in 1932, Martinus made this drawing in order to give the reader a brief, interim overview of Livets Bog as a whole.

See also Martinus' description of symbol no. 43 in The Eternal World Picture 4.

The main details of the symbol:

  • The drawing shows that Livets Bog, when complete, was to have five sections, just as the drawing is divided into five sections indicated by the vertical lines.
  • The first two sections symbolise the “Preface” and the “Introduction”. Then follows a large section that is actually Livets Bog proper. The last two sections are described as the “Conclusion” and the “Postscript”.
  • The part of Livets Bog that was finished by 1932 is indicated by the light section, while the sections that are indicated by the dotted lines show the part that was not finished at that point in time.
  • The three figures that span the entire drawing, from the triangle in the first section to the triangle in the last section, symbolise the analyses of the three X’s. Thus the middle figure indicates the analysis of X1, the uppermost figure indicates the analysis of X2 or the mother energy, while the lowest figure indicates the analysis of X3 or the six basic energies of existence.
  • The triangle always symbolises a living being. In this symbol the triangle in the first section symbolises Martinus himself. The triangle in the last section indicates the eternal Godhead revealed through these major analyses. The Godhead is a living being, a shining centre emanating love, wisdom and bliss, in whom we all live and move and have our being.
See also