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Symbol 36: The Structure of Eternal Life
The Structure of Eternal Life
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Symbol 36: The Structure of Eternal Life
The Structure of Eternal Life
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Symbol 36

A Summary Explanation of Symbol No. 36 - The Structure of Eternal Life

The symbol shows a section of the eternal road of life. This road has no beginning and no end. The road itself constitutes the eternal life of the living being. It constitutes the movement, creation and experience around the being’s eternal fixed point, which is its I and superconsciousness. This entire movement, creation and experience is God’s eternal spirit at work. This eternal spirit of God at work is the same as the creation and maintenance of the living being’s consciousness, which in turn is the same as that which we call life.

See also Martinus' description of symbol no. 36 in The Eternal World Picture 4, Livets Bog (The Book of Life) 4 and Logic.

The main details of the symbol:

  • The stairs at the bottom symbolise the kingdoms of the spiral cycle.
  • The colours in the wide, transverse figure above the stair formation indicate the various basic energies through which the spiral cycle is divided into the six kingdoms. In each kingdom there is a light round figure and a dark one. The light figure symbolises the primary part, which is increasing and reaching a peak. The dark figure symbolises the secondary part, which is degenerating in the transition from one kingdom to another.
  • The next transverse, multicoloured figure up symbolises the same kingdoms, but shows how harmonious, gentle and imperceptible the transition is when the kingdoms develop and grow out of one another.
  • The round figures in the uppermost section symbolise the living beings’ growing sensory capacity on its way forwards through the kingdoms - from a minimum stage to a culminatory one.
  • The oblong white figure on the left side of the symbol’s dark section symbolises the limited sensory capacity of present terrestrial mankind.
See also