Use of quotations and symbols


Quotations from Martinus’s works may be used freely when done in a way that meets the usual requirements for good quotation practice. In addition, quotations must be illustrative of the content of the text or the statements from which the quotation is taken, so that they do not give rise to misunderstanding of the analyses. Quotations can also be used verbally, for example, during lectures and teaching. Quotations must be reproduced with the correct reference to the source, that is, Martinus’s name, the title of the work and the section/s of the work. If you want to publish a collection of quotations or a series of text passages from Martinus’s works, this can be done only by special agreement with the Martinus Institute. The same applies to quotations from unpublished manuscripts.


Martinus’s symbols are not images or illustrations in the normal sense. They are expressions of the details of the spiritual or cosmic world made physically accessible. In addition, the symbols are associated with a symbol explanation, and thus the symbol and its explanation form a very special cohesive whole. In order to take due account of these special circumstances, the Martinus Institute has set out the following guidelines for the use of the symbols.

The symbols must be protected so that they are always reproduced with their original design, content and colour scheme wherever they are displayed. This protection corresponds to the respect for the works of visual artists that is stipulated in the Copyright Act.

The Martinus Institute produces printed and digital versions of the symbols with a graphic quality that meets the above-mentioned requirements. These editions are reproduced in the symbol book series The Eternal World Picture and other books by Martinus, and can also be found here on the Institute’s website: By linking to it, the requirements for a correct reproduction are automatically met (see instructions below). Separate copies of the symbols can be obtained from the Institute and via the Institute’s webshop:

If you would like to publish symbols to a greater extent than the Copyright Act allows, you will require written permission from the Martinus Institute. These general guidelines for the publication of symbols apply:

1. Directly below the symbol the following must be stated:
• © Martinus Institute 1981
• the title and number of the symbol (according to the symbol book series The Eternal World Picture)
• If the symbol is shown in a film, the above must be indicated in the film credits; it must also be stated that the Martinus Institute has given permission for the use of the symbol.
(We also recommended that you refer to the website, where more information is available.)

2. In addition, the following must be included in connection with the symbol:
• An explanation of the symbol. On this website, the Martinus Institute has made brief summaries of all the symbol explanations, summaries that you are welcome to use. If you provide another explanation of the symbol explanation, it must be in accordance with Martinus’s own explanation;
• In all cases a direct reference to the place in the series of symbol books The Eternal World Picture where the symbol is explained must be provided.

3. The size of the symbol must be sufficient for its details to be visible and for its artistic expression to remain intact. This means that the proportions of the symbol and the surrounding black area must be preserved. Sections of a symbol may not be reproduced; the symbol must always be shown in its entirety, and explanatory texts, reference marks or the like shall not be placed on the actual symbol.

4. The symbols must appear in the context of a text or picture that pays due respect to the symbols for what they are: “… identical with cosmic universal laws, fundamental principles, ideas, causes and methods of sensing.” (Livets Bog (The Book of Life), Volume 1, section 9).

5. The symbols may not be used as trademarks, logos, eye-catching features, ornaments, decorations or for decorative purposes in public spaces or in publications of any kind, including websites.
• The symbols must therefore not be used on business cards, stationery, CD’s or DVD’s (or other digital media), as a logo on websites, articles, books, etc., as frontpage and/or backpage illustrations on books, CD/DVD covers, audiobooks, e-books, articles, etc.

Any permission given by the Martinus Institute does not mean that the Institute supports or agrees with the views and opinions expressed in a given publication.

Links to symbols on Practical guidelines

If you would like to display one or more symbols on a website, feel free to link directly to the symbols displayed on This will ensure that the symbols appear in their correct form with an appurtenant explanation of the symbol. See the Practical Guidelines.

If you are in doubt about using the symbols, you are always welcome to contact the Martinus Institute Technical questions can be sent to