
The works in other languages

Martinus’s collected works The Third Testament are aimed at people all over the world, where there is a steadily increasing interest in the cosmic analyses. In order to accommodate this interest, it is important that the work be translated into other languages. The Martinus Institute collaborates with a large number of translators who translate into a number of languages. The work is done in many places around the world, most translators working voluntarily.

Japansk tekst

Translators’ meetings

The translators are in regular contact with one another, and in the summer many of them meet at the Martinus Centre in Klint. Here, the work of translating Martinus’s works is coordinated, and experiences are shared. Often several translators are in the process of translating into the same language. The individual translators also cooperate with a number of proofreaders, and a lot of painstaking work has to be done before the translation of a book is completed and can be published.



Martinus’s work is unique in many ways and places great demands on the translator. Among other things, Martinus introduces entirely new words and concepts that did not previously exist in Danish. The translator must therefore find corresponding words and concepts in his native tongue. Furthermore, the translator should preferably use terminology that is as consistent as the Danish and of course be true to both the content of the Danish original and, as far as possible, to Martinus’s language and style. It is a prerequisite that the translator has an in-depth knowledge of the cosmic analyses. The book The Structure of Cooperation (not currently available in English) describes the general guidelines for the translation of Martinus’s works. Our English translator Mary McGovern has written two university papers about translating Martinus in relation to translation science. They can be read here along with a speech she gave about the role of the translator: On translating Martinus.