The Third Testament, Livets Bog, volume 5
© Martinus Institut 2018
1st edition, 2018
ISBN 978-87-575-0605-1 (hardback)
Set in Century Schoolbook
Printed by Narayana Press
Printed in Denmark 2018
Published by the Martinus Institute, Denmark
English edition
Other editions of this book:
ISBN 978-87-575-5133-4 (e-book, Mobi), 2018
Danish title: Det Tredje Testamente, Livets Bog, bind 5
First published in subscription 1947-1951 under the title "Livets Bog"
Translated by Mary McGovern, 2018
Translated from the Danish, 4th edition, 2013
Martinus wished "Livets Bog" to be known in all languages by its Danish title, which means "The Book of Life".
Front cover symbol:
No. 23, The Finished Human Being in God's Image after His Likeness.
Back cover symbol:
No. 19, Through the Darkness of Initation (Hell or Armageddon).
Both symbols are explained in The Eternal World Picture, volume 2.
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