Front cover symbol:
No. 23, The Finished Human Being in God's Image after His Likeness
Back cover symbol:
No. 19, Through the Initiation of Darkness
(Both symbols are explained in The Eternal World Picture 2)

Original Danish title: Livets Bog 4 (First edition 1944).
Published in subscription 1944-46.
Second edition retitled Det Tredie Testamente – Livets Bog 4 (1983)
Third edition, first printing, 2004
Translated by Mary McGovern, 2007

The translator would like to thank: Andrew Brown and John Morley for commenting on the translation and reading the proofs; Lillian Neil for typing the manuscript and proofreading the index; Lucie Lehmann-Barclay, Søren Ingemann Larsen and others for advice on specific translational problems.

The Third Testament, Livets Bog (The Book of Life) 4
First edition, first printing
Copyright © Martinus Idealfonden, 2008
Printed in Denmark 2008
ISBN 978-87-575-0604-4