The Third Testament. World Religion and World Politics (book no. 17)
© Martinus Institut 1993
2nd edition 2013
1st edition 1993
ISBN 978-87-575-0734-8
Set in Century Schoolbook and printed by Køge KopiCenter A/S
Printed in Denmark 2013

– corresponding to the e-book:
1st edition 2013 (978-87-575-5116-7)

Published by The Martinus Institute, Denmark (

Translated by Mary McGovern 1992 from the 1979 Danish edition
The translator gratefully acknowledges Adam O'Riordan for commenting on and proofreading the translation

Original Danish title: Verdensreligion og verdenspolitik (småbog 17)
First Danish book edition 1969
© Martinus Institut 1981

The book consists of the following articles:
Jordmenneskets skæbneårsag (The Cause of the Fate of Terrestrial Man), Contact Letters 1957 (a lecture given in 1946). Edited by Mogens Møller
Pilatus, Kristus og Barabbas (Pilate, Christ and Barabbas), Contact Letters 1955 (a lecture given in 1955)
Verdensreligion og verdenspolitik (World Religion and World Politics), Contact Letters 1961
Hvorfor skal man tilgive sin næste? (Why One Should Forgive One's Neighbour), Contact Letters 1955 (a lecture given in 1955)