The Third Testament. The Road to Initiation
Book no. 12
© Martinus Institut 1981
2nd English edition 2015
ISBN 978-87-575-0756-0 (softcover)
Set in Century Schoolbook
Printed by Jessen & Co., Copenhagen
Printed in Denmark 2015

Published by the Martinus Institute, Denmark

English edition

1st English edition 1957
Original Danish title: Vejen til indvielse, 1953

Other editions of this book:
ISBN 978-87-575-5150-1 (e-book, Mobi), 2015

The book consists of three articles:

The Road to Initiation is based on a lecture held in 1944. Translated by Anna Ørnsholt in 1957 and revised by Mary McGovern in 2013.

On My Cosmic Analyses is based on a Danish article from 1934. Translated by Anna Ørnsholt in 1957 and revised by Mary McGovern in 2013.

The Culture of Giving is based on a Danish article from 1938. Translated by Mary McGovern in 1990 and retranslated by Mary McGovern in 2013.

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