Read Martinus's works
In this part of the online library you can make searches in and read all of Martinus’s books and most of his published articles. During his lifetime Martinus wrote many thousands of pages of text and published more than 40 books, which he chose to collectively entitle The Third Testament. In order to make studying easier, the Martinus Institute has made his entire works available in a digital and searchable form.

Reading instructions: Select a table of contents or a book or volume from the drop-down list at the top. Select a chapter or a section of text. You can leaf through section after section by clicking on the arrows shown. You can also use the right or left arrow key on your keyboard.
Tip: For lengthy sections of text you can scroll the text up over the screen by clicking on the space bar (which functions as Page Down).
 Whole words     Beginning of word   
 LB1     LB2     LB3     LB4     LB5     EWP1     EWP2     EWP3     EWP4     Minor books (1, 2, 4, 5, 10-13, 16, 17, 20, 22, 23, 25)     Articles   
Reset selection of volumes Select all Simple Search
Instructions for advanced searches: The search finds the sentences in the ticked works that contain the search words and search expressions that have been entered. Enter one or more search words, one or more expressions or phrases or both search words and a phrase or phrases. In the search result, you can click on a link under the sentences that have been found and open the whole section of text. If you wish fewer search options, chose Simple Search.

Examples of keywords

Sentences with green words are found, but not sentences with red words


House - house - houses - housekeeping - slaughterhouse - warehouses


House - house - houses - housekeeping - slaughterhouse - warehouses
(A longer keyword finds fewer sentences)

house (+ Beginning of Word)

House - house - houses - housekeeping - slaughterhouse - warehouses

house (+ Whole words)

House - house - houses - housekeeping - slaughterhouse - warehouses

God consciousness

God's primary consciousness - God's consciousness - consciousness of God  (All keywords must be present in the sentence, and the order and placement does not matter. Up to ten keywords or phrases are permitted.)

God's consciousness

God's primary consciousness - God's consciousness - consciousness of God (Apostrophes are permitted)

"God's consciousness"

God's primary consciousness - God's consciousness - consciousness of God (Search for exact phrase)

"God's image" son

the son of God was no longer in "God's image after His likeness"
(A combination of phrase and word)


Intuition - intuition (The search is case-insensitive)


See also