The Eternal World Picture, vol. 4
The Structure of the Flag
Symbol no. 42
42.1  A symbol of love
The flag is the outer visible expression for the very highest thought climate; it is a symbol of the holy spirit, the mathematical formula for the divine world plan, the expression of the eternal, perfect world picture. And by virtue of its identity as a symbol of love, flying it in the service of war and unrest could never take place without being a parody of its purpose. All war, brutality and unrest must be prohibited where this symbol of light therefore rightfully is to fly in the world. And in the same way a mental copy of this must fly in our hearts, where it must not be torn by the violent storms of passions, but be able to fly and shine all the time in an atmosphere of the fresh breezes of forgiveness and love.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 42
The Structure of the Flag