The Eternal World Picture, vol. 4
The Star Symbol
Symbol no. 41
Explanation of symbol no. 41
Cover symbol of Livets Bog (The Book of Life)*
41.1  The symbol indicates the universe itself. The triangle indicates that the basic analysis of the latter constitutes a "triune principle", namely "X1", "X2" and "X3", realities which in turn occur in every living being and are known respectively by the terms the "I", the "faculty to manifest" and the "organism".
      That the triangle is surrounded by a sun indicates that life or existence is similarly in its highest analysis absolute light. That the rays appear in the shape of a cross indicates that the perfect manifestation is love, or sacrificing oneself for others.
The explanation to this symbol in section 41.1 comes from Martinus' series of articles in Kosmos entitled "Interpretation of Livets Bog". It is reproduced from Kosmos 1933, no. 4, page 7. In accordance with Martinus' wishes, the symbol is used on the front-page of his books. He has also included the symbol in symbol no. 32, The Solution to the Mystery of Life, as star section no. 5, where it represents the fifth basic answer to the mystery of life: "the living being". See a description of this in the symbol explanation to symbol no. 32, which can be found in Livets Bog vol. 3, section 684 and in The Eternal World Picture, vol. 3, section 32.7.
* Translator's note: At present Livets Bog and The Eternal World Picture are published in paperback with symbols nos. 23 and 19 on the cover, a cover designed by Martinus to be used until it was financially possible to print the books in hardback with the Star Symbol printed in gold on a white cover, with a dust jacket of the same design as the paperback cover.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 41
The Star Symbol