The Eternal World Picture, vol. 4
The Categories of Consciousness of Terrestrial Mankind
Symbol no. 39
39.1  The forces determining the terrestrial human being's receptivity to the new world impulse
One would think that all terrestrial human beings would receive such a new divine world impulse, such a moving and overwhelming helping hand, such an all-embracing, inspiring force from a higher world, with enthusiasm and open arms. But no, this is by no means the case. The fact is that an individual's receptivity to higher forces, which in this case means its receptivity to a new spiritual culture, is not something it can decide with its will in the way that it can decide, for example, whether to stand up or sit down, whether to shout or whisper, whether to open or shut its eyes or the like. The factor deciding the terrestrial human being's receptivity to a new spiritual basis is thus not its will but on the contrary the spiritual quality existing behind its will, which in turn is represented by the principal mental forces in its consciousness. These forces differ greatly in nature in each individual, since they constitute for each individual a result of its collected experiences, its previous talents, habits and tendencies, and these are certainly different for each individual. These forces will thus become those that actually guide and temper the individual's will in favour of or against a new spiritual culture.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 39
The Categories of Consciousness of Terrestrial Mankind