The Eternal World Picture, vol. 4
The Veiled and Unveiled Eternal Truth
Symbol no. 37
37.1  Why the eternal truth can be unveiled only gradually
As we have gradually progressed through the cosmic analyses of the universe, it is not difficult for us to understand why mankind through the ages has been told the truth about life in very brief and symbolic terms. The information about the truth for the first, extremely primitive human beings was very heavily veiled, since these beings could not possibly have understood the truth if its complete, scientific, unified analysis had been revealed. It had to be confined to being merely an explanation in symbolic terms of the part of the eternal truth that fitted the above-mentioned primitive human beings' perceptive faculty. But gradually, as people developed further with regard to intelligence and love, the explanation of the truth had to be changed correspondingly so that it could still fit people's faculty to sense or perceive. And thus veil after veil was lifted from the eternal truth as people evolved and could understand more and more of it. And after the last veil, which is being removed in proportion to the degree that people are now gradually maturing towards cosmic consciousness, they will experience the eternal truth or the solution to the mystery of life with their completely evolved mentality as scientific fact, intellectually understandable and accessible to investigation for the researcher or observer who is advanced in a cosmic direction.
      When people can acquire the divine truth or very highest knowledge of life only through such a gradual unveiling through many lives, it is due to the fact that their sensory powers are evolving. People at the first primitive stages in their evolution after the ape stage can sense in the main only by virtue of their instinct. Instinct is the first of the seven basic energies that promote the living being's manifestation of life. This energy promotes all automatic functions in living beings' organisms, just as it promotes the growth of all plant life forms, the behaviour of animals and a part of the mentality and behaviour of primitive or undeveloped human beings. These less evolved or primitive human beings cannot possibly understand the solution to the mystery of life as intellectual or scientific analyses. Their intelligence is as yet merely in its infancy. But through their instinct they "vaguely sense" that a higher power exists, a higher form of being in the form of gods or a godhead. This faculty of instinct or faculty to "vaguely sense" is inborn, just like the beings' other talents: sight, hearing, smell, taste and so on.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 37
The Veiled and Unveiled Eternal Truth