The Eternal World Picture, vol. 4
39.9  Summary of the second category in Group B
The second figure indicates the second category in Group B and shows that the beings here have too much feeling in relation to intelligence, which make them overly religious. These beings thus do not have the same common sense in their religious behaviour as beings in the first category of this group. This situation manifests itself in turn in the form of "holy wrath", "righteous indignation", camouflaged intolerance or persecution of beings who think in another way or of beings with another religious view. This category flourished particularly in the Middle Ages with burning at the stake. And beings from here also became the representatives of the reality we have portrayed under the concept of "the hard skin". But the same types are also to be found in our own time, and from these the new world impulse will meet no little resistance within all the world religions.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 39
The Categories of Consciousness of Terrestrial Mankind