The Eternal World Picture, vol. 4
36.9  Eternal life in God's halo
The next multicoloured figure upwards in the symbol symbolises the same kingdoms as those we have just mentioned. The present figure symbolises merely how subtly and imperceptibly God lets the kingdoms of the spiral cycle grow gently out of one another. They grow harmoniously, gently and imperceptibly out of one another as a branch grows out a tree trunk. In this divine process of creating and experiencing life, people live their daily lives with their desires, passions and vices failing to notice that God is subtly transforming them from devil-human beings into culminating beings of light in God's eternal halo, indeed into gods in their own gold-copied universe in God's image after his likeness.
      The figure therefore shows a section of the eternal road of life, which has no beginning or end whatsoever. It exists for all eternity. It is the eternal life of the living being itself. It is the movement, creation and experience around the living being's eternal fixed point, its I and superconsciousness. This entire movement, creation and experience is the eternal spirit of God at work. This eternal spirit of God at work is the same as the creation and maintenance of the living beings' consciousness, which in turn is what we call life. Life is therefore movement, movement is change, change is creation, creation gives rise to time and space. Life is therefore in itself the same as time and space. Time and space are thus created things, and created things are therefore perishable. Therefore all experience must consist of creation and cessation. The life of the eternal being or our I is thus a connection to creation and cessation, and is therefore subject to the dimensions of time and space. A human being's organism, for example, is a created thing, and is therefore subject to having a beginning and an end. Since the being experiences a great part of its life by means of its physical organism, it must of necessity experience that its life is dependent on how long this organism exists. It ultimately becomes useless, and the being is liberated from it. Its physical life must thereby of necessity be interrupted until a new physical organism is built up. It is this very inevitable and natural interruption that has caused the mistaken idea or superstition that the living are mortal and will perish. With this, the concept of "death" and the terror connected with this idea have come into the world. So people do not understand that their organism is a created instrument, and that it therefore, like all other created instruments is perishable and must be replaced. The fact that a human being's physical instruments are perishable, can be worn out or damaged so as to become unusable, does not of course mean that the human being concerned or the originator of the instrument has thereby also ceased to exist. All things that exist in the world of created things, absolutely all things without exception, are instruments, not merely the many known material instruments: machines, apparatuses, furniture, clothes, houses, homes and so on, but suns, moons and stars are also created instruments for the maintenance of life, just as the animal organs in the living beings' organisms or bodies are instruments for the maintenance of life.
      But what is the use of these instruments if something did not exist prior to the creation of these instruments, something that needed precisely these instruments for their experience and manifestation? What would be the use of a car if there were no one to use it? What would be the use of a physical organism if there were no one or nothing that could manifest and experience by means of it? And do we not see that this organism is directed by an invisible something? And has one ever seen anything about this organism that does not constitute an instrument for one useful function or another? Absolutely not. But when the physical organism is one hundred percent an instrument, where is then the "something" that directs this instrument? To claim that this something does not exist is the same as claiming that an instrument controls itself. A car would thus control itself and thereby decide whether it would drive or not; an axe would similarly decide for itself whether it would chop or not; a ship would in the same way decide for itself where it would sail to, and the like. A view of life whose logical consequences are so glaringly impossible inevitably emphasises its originator's very limited, primitive and imperfect ability to think. A view of life based on such an ability to think is a derailment from absolute reality, and counts of course for nothing when it is a matter of the road to the solution to the mystery of life. Then one must adapt oneself to the fact that physical death can exist only as the death or destruction of an instrument, but absolutely not the death of the living "something" that experienced and manifested itself by means of the instrument. The real living being behind the physical organism or behind any other instrument whatsoever cannot possibly die or be annihilated. But the originator of the instrument, the eternal something, X1, thus uses one physical organism after another as an instrument in order to maintain its physical manifestation and experience of life, by virtue of which, in co-operation with the other forces in the universe, it can become a human being in God's image after his likeness and attain eternal experience of life and eternal manifestation.
      And thus God envelops the living being in the ocean of light of his all-penetrating creative might and leads his eternal son from initiation to initiation in higher and higher spiral cycles that are infinite in time and space for all eternity.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 36
The Structure of Eternal Life