The Eternal World Picture, vol. 4
Explanation of symbol no. 40
40.8  The shining area on the left indicates the stellar nebula in the microcosmos, while the shining field on the right indicates, on the contrary, the stellar nebula in the macrocosmos. Between these two areas a dotted line crosses the dark section, which indicates matter. This line indicates the present direction of terrestrial science's research, which goes "crosswise" through matter. The other dotted line, which goes upwards "lengthwise" through matter indicates the direction that this science will take after the change of course mentioned in this book. These two directions of research, which are both necessary in order to be able to express the rightful "holy spirit", exist thus as the most profound factor giving rise to the emergence of the "sign of the cross".
      Expressing the two directions of research mentioned here, on which the experience of real knowledge of the true identity of life is based, cannot be done in physical form except by means of two lines that cross one another. But two lines that cross one another make up the "sign of the cross". And here we have thus the most profound analysis of this "symbol" in existence, a symbol that through the Christ-event became so important for the nations of the West. The cross is thus in reality an unshakeable sign for or symbol of the perfection of all sensing. On the perfection of sensing depends the highest light in the consciousness. From eternity to eternity the cross is thus irrefutably the symbol of light – quite independent of Christ. But since the death of Christ was so significant that it became a world redemption and was thus an all-outshining manifestation of love, and this death took place on a cross, the sign of the cross came to the fore again and experienced a renaissance. Its identity as "the symbol of light" was resolutely affirmed and will ultimately be honoured by all people through all ages.
Martinus has explained symbol no. 40 in his book "Bisættelse" (on funerals and the microcosmos within our bodies). The introductory text and symbol explanation in sections 40.1-8 are taken from "Bisættelse", chapters 23-30.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 40
The Sign of the Cross