The Eternal World Picture, vol. 4
37.8  The materialism and atheism of terrestrial human beings
The terrestrial human is at the moment a being with many sympathies and, as a rule, even more antipathies. These sympathies and antipathies are, as will be remembered, the effects of its previous way of being. They are the result of the fate that it has previously undergone. And this is in turn a result of a way of being that was manifested even earlier. Why do people today have so great a capacity for manifesting evil or unloving feelings that nations or peoples, as well as individual human beings, are at war with one another? And why can nations or those engaged in war find almost no outlets for their warring interests that are refined or cruel enough? This situation is not difficult to understand when one observes the mental structure of the terrestrial human being. Its faculty of instinct has degenerated. To the same degree as this faculty has degenerated, the being has lost the faculty to "vaguely sense" the existence of a providence or the Godhead. It has thus lost the ability to believe in everything that is not accessible to physical sensing. This faculty, which previously allowed them to vaguely sense that a god existed and that people should learn to love their fellow human beings or their neighbour as they love themselves, has degenerated. Millions of people today have totally lost the faculty to "vaguely sense" and thereby, as previously mentioned, to believe that a godhead or a spiritual world exists. They have only their unfinished emotional make-up to sense with. And with this they can sense absolutely only materially, and organise their way of being and their relationship to other beings, animals and human beings with their intelligence. But they do not know that one infringes the law of life when one kills, punishes, revenges and oppresses other living beings or one's neighbour. And how could they know this? With neither their intelligence nor their incompletely developed feeling can they experience spiritual or superterrestrial things, just as they cannot either believe any longer in other people's explanations or instructions about higher humane behaviour, such as a morality free of killing and revenge. It is likewise quite impossible for them, with their physical sensory capacity and through personal experience, to recognise reincarnation or the beings' rebirth on the physical plane, just as they cannot either understand that a spiritual life exists behind the physical one, and that the beings are thus immortal. But how could people with this as yet very limited sensory capacity be otherwise than they are today? It is of course impossible. It is not so surprising that Christ commanded people to forgive not merely seven times but "until seventy times seven" (Matt. 18:21-22). And likewise that on the cross he prayed for his enemies or executioners: "Father! Forgive them for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:34). The majority of terrestrial human beings are still very unfinished, militant and hateful. And they are often called "evil people". These people do not in reality know that with their evil way of being they are acting wrongly, and that their behaviour towards their neighbour becomes their future light or dark fate, depending on whether their behaviour towards their neighbour in the past has been light or dark.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 37
The Veiled and Unveiled Eternal Truth