The Eternal World Picture, vol. 4
40.7  "Lengthwise" through matter or "the correspondence of God", "cosmic consciousness" or the ability to "see God"
Deciphering the meaning and purpose of life can be done only through a method of research that is focused on "life" and not merely on measurement, weight and vibration. This focusing can be expressed as "going lengthwise through matter". Researching "lengthwise through matter" will thus be the same as researching on the basis of the ability to decipher the will, the intentions and sentences that the "combinations of letters" and "numbers" of daily life in reality intend to express. This interaction that arises between the researcher and the object of his research is nothing less than the "correspondence of God", the individual's growing faculty to "see God", his experience of the eternal facts as facts. It is "cosmic consciousness" or the total overshadowing of the individual by the holy spirit.
      Researching "lengthwise through matter" differs additionally from research "crosswise through matter" in that it is infinite. Research "crosswise through matter" thus bumps into the great void, whose outposts are the stellar nebulae in the microcosmos and the macrocosmos. It gives the individual knowledge only of the "book" and its "letters". But research "lengthwise through matter" gives the individual the ability to "read" or decipher its true, real content. And with this ability the true revelation of life and the Godhead begins for the individual. And this is infinite. Here one's vision is not obstructed by any kind of stellar nebula whatsoever or by any apparent void. It becomes increasingly evident here that the experience of life is eternally imperishable and is increasing in light, harmony and love.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 40
The Sign of the Cross