The Eternal World Picture, vol. 4
37.7  The current change of mankind's mentality
The beginning of a great change in the mentality of terrestrial mankind has long since been evident. The people of the West thus find themselves in the first part of the third unveiling of the eternal truth. And they are therefore termed "Christian". But the Christianity that has existed up to now became in many areas the opposite, indeed a downright derailment, of the light from the eternal truth taught by Jesus Christ. It is now in a process of rapid degeneration or dissolution, which means that it is in the process of losing its power over, or its influence on, the people. The people of the East are also beginning to falter as regards religion. The old traditional world religions, sects and societies have also begun to become antiquated and have thereby outlived their usefulness. People the world over thus find themselves, as mentioned above, in a process of changing their mentality or view of life. From being primitive instinctive beings and inhumane emotional beings they are in the process of being changed into intelligent beings, but are as yet to a certain extent very incompletely developed as regards humane feeling or universal love. This change of mentality or perception of life is due to an evolution of the being's sensory capacity. The faculty that enables the human being to believe in the assertions of authorities, without their being justified intellectually or scientifically, is rapidly degenerating. As previously mentioned this sensory faculty constitutes the being's faculty of instinct. This underlies everything that comes under the concept of automatic processes in the structure of the living being's organism and mentality. Since it promotes the being's faculty for vague sensing and thereby its ability to believe, it is not so surprising that people are in the process of losing faith in religious dogmas and other dogmas that are not logically justified or scientifically proven. Since people's connection to the world religions is based on this faculty to vaguely sense or faculty of instinct, and this is degenerating, it is only natural that they find themselves beginning to leave the religions. At the same time as the beings' faculty of instinct is degenerating, and they are thereby losing the ability to believe in invisible objects or phenomena that are not logically justified or scientifically proven, they are compelled to be doubters, to be sceptics, to be materialists or atheists. But at the same time as this faculty of instinct or faculty to vaguely sense has degenerated, the being's faculty of feeling has grown, but this faculty of feeling is still quite inhumane and erupts by the aid of the faculty of gravity, which means, the being's faculty for war or anger. At the same time an incipient faculty of intelligence is also beginning to make its presence felt. But this faculty is not a sensory faculty like the other sensory faculties. While with these latter faculties one experiences through various kinds of feeling and physical contact with the sensory object, the faculty of intelligence does not work by means of physical feeling. It is a purely psychic or spiritual faculty. By means of the remaining sensory faculties one can thus experience directly. One can see, hear, smell, taste and feel, but one cannot analyse these objects that are experienced in this way. In order to analyse these a particular faculty for analysing is thus demanded. This faculty gradually develops in the being. This faculty we know by the concept of "the faculty of intelligence". With this faculty one cannot experience directly, but one can, however, analyse what one has experienced. The being has, through its dark and light experiences of fate, gradually acquired a specific capacity for feeling. It can have evil feelings and it can have good feelings in its daily way of being. With its intelligence it can thus manifest its evil and hateful feelings as refined acts of vengeance. It can likewise also turn its incipient good, humane feelings into logical manifestation by means of intelligence. And here we are at the stage where the majority of the Earth's population is at the moment.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 37
The Veiled and Unveiled Eternal Truth