The Eternal World Picture, vol. 4
36.7  From devil-human being to being of bliss
Terrestrial human culture of today thus contains a sphere of devil-human mentality. And the life of terrestrial mankind had to become the hell that, with its murderous, suffering-inflicting, belligerent devil mentality, it has perpetually promoted as long as it has existed, and it would never be able to free itself of this devilish disposition and its ensuing murderous conduct and the culminating sufferings if the law of karma did not exist. This law or cosmic principle determines that whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap, and that all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword. These biblical words about the law of karma or retribution (Gal. 6:7, Mat. 26:52) mean in reality that the being that kills, murders and tortures other beings will itself be murdered, killed or tortured. The beings therefore always get back as their own fate the sufferings they have inflicted on others. If the beings' personal experience of their evil conduct towards others did not have the divine characteristic of giving rise to a new human faculty in them, namely the faculty of humaneness, which is the same as the incipient faculty of neighbourly love, the transformation of people from animals to humans could not possibly take place. It is this humane faculty that has given rise to the humane world religions and Christianity, and, in the middle of the inferno of war and suffering, has made people create humane laws that forbid killing, murder and torture, and seek to stimulate a real culture of light. But those people who have to some extent really attained to having this culture of light in their hearts and way of being are as yet in a minority among terrestrial mankind.
      They can constitute hardly more than a third of mankind. The other two thirds murder and kill, wage war and create torture, terror and manifestations of hell for one another. But the more these beings promote these dark manifestations, the quicker they will get them back in the form of karma or fate, which in turn gives rise to the faculty of humaneness in them. And mankind is thus, despite this culmination of darkness, on its way towards light. We see in the symbol that the humane consciousness and way of being (yellow colour) casts its reflection onto this animal kingdom or culminating sphere of darkness. And through the repercussion of the sufferings on their originators, these originators develop their faculty of neighbourly love and become finished human beings in God's image after his likeness. And these beings will thereby form an utterly perfect human kingdom on Earth. This is marked in the symbol by the yellow area with the white round figure. The devil human being has here been transformed from an animal into a human being.
      In this human kingdom we see in the symbol a new kingdom beginning to emerge (green colour). This kingdom is based on completely evolved or perfect intelligence combined with absolute universal love. By virtue of this human faculty universal love in the highest worlds becomes completely logical. For this reason we have also expressed universal love as intellectualised feeling. But since this universal love also casts its reflection onto the spiritual worlds immediately above and causes the beings' intelligence here to be used in manifestations of love or the very highest wisdom, which is the same as intellectuality tempered by love (it being therefore impossible for other manifestations to take place here), we have called this the domain of intelligence or the kingdom of wisdom.
      But this high unfolding of consciousness gives rise in turn to a faculty through which the beings attain spiritual or cosmic consciousness. We know this faculty as intuition. And with this faculty the human being will emerge with the very highest state of consciousness that exists at all. Its consciousness is thus a combination of life's very highest sensory faculties. In an awake day-conscious state it now senses life's very highest phenomena, both physical and mental principles and laws. Its way of being is exclusively universal love and wisdom. And after this the being appears as an instrument for sensing and manifesting in God's primary consciousness. This in turn means that it belongs to the very highest sphere of thinking and manifesting of life and the universe or the Godhead. We have therefore called this kingdom the divine world (blue colour). The highest part of this kingdom is indicated in the symbol by a white round figure, as is the case with the other kingdoms of the spiral cycle. And the dark round figure indicates in the same way the part of the same kingdom that is degenerating in favour of the incipient development of the next spiral kingdom.
      This kingdom is the spiral cycle's sixth and last sphere of life. It is based on the energy of memory. And since this evokes the being's recollections here as joyful and light copies, which we have entitled gold copies, the organic structure of which is experienced by the being as bliss, we have called this sphere of life the kingdom of bliss (light indigo colour), and its beings we have called beings of bliss.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 36
The Structure of Eternal Life