The Eternal World Picture, vol. 4
40.6  "Crosswise through" matter or why the materialistic researcher or scientist cannot decipher the meaning of life
When we have designated the results of materialistic science in the above as a strip of light going "crosswise through matter", we would like to point out with this that the direction of research expressed by these results differs from another direction of research, whose strip of light can be expressed only as "going lengthwise through matter".
      In order to understand this we must compare matter itself – which is of course the subject of all research, and the medium through which all information is manifested – to a body that has a particular width, but is infinite in length. The width of this body stretches thus from the stellar nebula in the microcosmos to the stellar nebula in the macrocosmos, from galaxy to wavelength. And terrestrial science has covered this distance with its research, but now the outer limits of this distance are beginning to bring this science to a standstill. Since matter in this "crosswise" direction ultimately expresses itself only as a stellar nebula, and this in turn fades into a kind of "nothing", all research here must come to an end by itself. But before the researcher has thus reached the limit here, he has been enriched with knowledge of the analysis of matter. He is an expert at all knowledge that is expressed as measurements, weight and velocities. But he is no expert as regards knowledge of the source of these factors. He is not particularly knowledgeable about the "living" element itself or the element that creates and directs these factors, since this form of knowledge absolutely cannot emerge through measurements or degrees of velocity. He thus does not know yet that every form of measurement, every form of weight, and every form of movement or velocity outside himself in Nature, in the universe, as well as within his own organism and consciousness, can be expressive only of will and thereby of spirit and thinking. He sees everything as "numbers" and "letters", but he cannot yet "read" "words" or "sentences", and cannot therefore arrive at the knowledge that these "words" and "sentences" convey. He has the "book", he knows its measurements, its weight and all its outer details, but cannot yet acquire more knowledge until he has "learnt to read" so that he can decipher the various "combinations of letters" in the "book". This "book" constitutes daily existence in its entirety. The "letters" are the individual daily experiences. A terrestrial scientist can as yet decipher them only as "numbers" and "letters", which means as measures and weights, but not as "words" and "sentences", which in this case means "cosmic analyses". But when he can decipher daily life only as "numbers" and "letters", not as "words" and "sentences", he cannot decipher its meaning or purpose either.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 40
The Sign of the Cross