The Eternal World Picture, vol. 4
35.6  The finished human being in God's image
In the area above the blue step, which as previously mentioned indicates the divine world, we see a figure with a blue aura around it. This figure indicates a totally perfect double-poled being. Its yellow area is its feminine principle, and its green area is its masculine principle. The white triangle means the I in this being. Here both principles or sexual poles are equal. The fact that the green area here on the symbol is smaller than the yellow area does not mean that the masculine pole here manifests itself less than the feminine pole. Here both poles are in absolute balance. And here the being is therefore neither specifically male nor specifically female. It is now entirely free of animal tendencies. It has become a purely human being. It now lives in a world where universal love is the daily foundation of life. Unlike the animal it no longer has to kill in order to live. It no longer needs the flesh and blood of other living beings as nourishment or food. It no longer lives in the animal state where its life is surrounded by hostile persecution. Here therefore it no longer needs artificial copulatory love and its act of copulation in order to attain the "highest fire" or the light of God's spirit and the ensuing stimulus and energy to live life in the darkness. Since life has now become a culminating light, bliss and joy, it experiences the spirit of God not merely as a little glimpse of a feeling of satisfaction or sensual pleasure in an act of copulation with another being but it now lives permanently in the highest fire, where even the slightest contact with another being from this plane is an act of copulation in the form of a climactic manifestation of universal love that delights not merely the beings concerned but also those around them. Everyone here lives a life of love for everyone else, and not as in the animal kingdom where everyone lives at war with everyone else. Here God's great creation "the human being in his image after his likeness" is totally completed. And the being has become a new instrument for the radiant profusion of God's spirit or the manifestation of universal love that shines and sparkles through eternal space, maintaining suns and worlds and the multiplicity of living beings. Everyone is drawn towards the eternal light in the darkness.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 35
The Cosmic Cycle of the Pole Principle