The Eternal World Picture, vol. 4
40.5  The capacity of materialistic science
When we mention these facts here it is of course not in order to criticise or to raise any objection to terrestrial science; on the contrary it is merely in order to point out its future spiritual change of course. Only knowing the material value of the Earth or of life is just as unfinished or imperfect a knowledge as that which a man has about a book he cannot read. Just as the face value of the book cannot lead him into its spiritual depth, so knowledge of the material value of the world, its measurements and weight cannot either lead the researcher to the true analysis of life itself, but only into the vast depths and labyrinths of matter.
      Terrestrial science, which is the beginning of the holy spirit or that layer of consciousness through which God becomes visible and the immortality of life a fact, is now about to complete the revelation of all analyses of matter that are expressed in measurements, weight and velocity. In a wonderful way for its wondering contemporaries it has thrown a strip of light across the great belt of matter from the vast stellar nebulae of the galaxy in the macrocosmos to the shining stellar nebulae or wavelengths of the atoms, the electrons and even smaller particles in the microcosmos.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 40
The Sign of the Cross