The Eternal World Picture, vol. 4
37.5  The one and only true God. Second unveiling. The abolition of other views of God
The beings' experience of darkness and their specially adapted view of the Godhead are thus a perfect, essential link in God's creation of the human being in his image after his likeness. And people are thus matured through this primitive section of evolution in order to perceive and sense a new and extended revelation of the Godhead or the mystery of life in which the Godhead or the mystery of life is even more apparent than in the first revelation. This second revelation of the truth or the Godhead was manifested by Moses. Now the people had come so far that they could begin to be guided as to the creation of culture. And the people were given a guideline in the form of the Law of Moses: "Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe" (Exod. 21:24-25). And instead of many gods came the gospel of the one almighty and true God. In so doing one had come somewhat closer to the eternal truth. But the nature of this Godhead's real structure was still somewhat shrouded in mystery. One perceived him as just, which here means as a god that "punished sinners", indeed, in the worst cases allowed them to perish in an eternal hell. It was a god more feared than loved. With this god of vengeance and punishment one was still a worshipper of the god of heathendom and war. We see, do we not, even the worshippers of the Law of Moses, notably the Jewish people, at war with other people. Yet through the Jewish people all the generations of the Earth were to be blessed (Gen. 22:18). Now what did this mean? This meant that from this people a new and even greater revelation of the eternal truth was to take place. The revelation of the Godhead in the Law of Moses and the morality or way of being of this law were absolutely not the final and totally perfect revelation of the mystery of life. It was not God's intention that mankind should continue to punish, avenge, hate or foster war.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 37
The Veiled and Unveiled Eternal Truth