The Eternal World Picture, vol. 4
44.4  Love one another – the great commandment of love
While the human race is arming itself for combat, killing and mutilation, while the "passengers" on the dark side prepare not to turn the right cheek when they are smitten on the left, not to pardon their neighbour, but on the contrary to let him slave for them as much as possible, so maintaining their own lives in luxury and joy at the expense of the health and vigour, happiness and wellbeing of others, as well as taking revenge, hating and persecuting as much as possible and so on, the Earth, as previously mentioned, is rolling on into a new tremendous cosmic wave of light that casts its rays forward through space from "the zone of the Father". This wave of light will accelerate the evolution of the Earth. But accelerated evolution means intensified suffering. The people of the Earth will get their remaining sufferings, which means the returning effects of the causes that their erroneous way of living has produced, concentrated in a relatively short period of time. For this reason the sufferings are more intense than if they were released over a longer period of time. But this in turn has the effect that the course of the Earth towards the regions of light is likewise accelerated, and mankind's celestial craft will thus in a shorter span of time than three thousand years manage not only to "make sight of" "the promised land", but also reach so far into its actual regions of light that most of the shadow sides at that time will be removed. The Earth will then have left the animal zone and the principle of killing behind and will no longer be a means of transport for sorrow, illness and mutilation, but, with its completed passage through the zone of suffering, will have become a cosmic "craft" with "divine travellers" that have "completed the course", attained certainty, and become one with the Father.
      Therefore, let us bid the new year welcome remembering: that at the end of the old year terrestrial mankind has come yet one unit of measure closer to the regions of happiness; that its individuals, despite present and coming sufferings, are, however, "celestial travellers", immortal "passengers" on a star in a world of stars on course towards the pinnacles of life, light and happiness; and that even now up above the dark Earth and the dark animal kingdom an atmosphere of light has begun to shine and emanate from the distant horizon ahead, an atmosphere of light that vibrates exclusively in the great commandment of love, "Love one another".
Symbol no. 44 comes from a New Year's article entitled "At the Turn of the Year", which Martinus published in Kosmos 1934, no. 1, pages 1-5. The article is reproduced in its entirety as sections 44.1-4. The symbol was not supplied with an explanation, but with the following caption, which corresponds to the last sentence of the article: "and that even now up above the dark Earth and the dark animal kingdom an atmosphere of light has begun to shine and emanate from the distant horizon ahead, an atmosphere of light that vibrates exclusively in the great commandment of love, "Love one another".
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 44
The Law of Existence – Love One Another>