The Eternal World Picture, vol. 4
40.4  Why material science cannot possibly see anything other than lifelessness
Since the ordinary, scientific method of research is focused only on matter, it can arrive only at matter, which in turn means that matter shows itself everywhere only as substance, or material, but does not, however, appear as life. But a method of research that everywhere results only in "substance" can reveal the world as being only lifeless. To see the world as a stellar nebula, as rays and waves, as water, air, sea and sky, as galaxies, as stars, suns and planets is to see a dead world, a lifeless reality; it is to see darkness instead of light; it is to believe in and worship death instead of life; it is to know the face value of a book, its physical weight and measurements, its colour and price without being able to read its text or have any idea about its literary value or spiritual content.
      Materialistic science stands with "the book of life" in its hands – which in this case of course is not intended to mean the work I have written, but, on the contrary, daily existence with all its details and experiences – without, however, being able to explain or read its true content, which is immortality. This science sees life and movement everywhere, but the results of its research are nonetheless merely substance, matter, things and yet more things that can be weighed and measured, things that appear in grams, vibrations and strengths. But possessing answers that express only degrees of measurement, weight and movement provides no knowledge about real and absolute life, and thereby no proofs either for the absolute, eternal existence that is the highest privilege of all living beings, because life cannot weigh anything. It is present in light as well as in heavy beings, it pulsates in small as well as in large individuals.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 40
The Sign of the Cross