The Eternal World Picture, vol. 4
37.4  God viewed as a god of darkness. First unveiling
Now one may think here that this unveiling is false and cannot have anything whatsoever to do with the almighty, all-loving and infinitely wise, eternal Godhead that people learn about in Christianity. But it is nonetheless true that the view of God as a god of darkness in its most profound analysis is an expression of the absolute, only true God. How could it be anything else? The only one true and almighty, infinitely wise and all-loving God constitutes, as will be remembered, the life in everything that exists at all, both in the light and the darkness. Nothing whatsoever can be outside this originator of the universe, the Father of all life. When the originator of the universe, the absolutely only true God contains everything that exists at all, then all existing views of God contain something of this originator or this one God. We know from previous cosmic analyses in this work that the Godhead contains both light and darkness. When the first primitive human beings have as yet no senses with which to be able to sense the light in the Godhead, and can sense only darkness, and cannot therefore have any idea about or understanding of the existence of light, it is inevitable and natural that they must perceive God or gods as having the way of being and character of darkness. Since people themselves at primitive stages are beings of darkness, having the ability to experience and manifest only such an existence, they will similarly be able to perceive and understand higher beings or godheads only in the form and mode of existence of darkness. How could a view of the Godhead otherwise stimulate these beings' lives? Fighting for their lives was vital to these beings. Defeating their enemies was vital to them, and since this in the main could be done only through violence it was necessary that they be stimulated and rendered capable of resorting to violence in given situations. We know from previous analyses that violence, murder and killing or everything that we call "evil" is all part of the Godhead's vital secondary consciousness, and that beings have to experience and manifest this mode of existence here in order to experience the effects of darkness in the formation of their fate and thereby develop the faculty for universal love. This of course cannot possibly be developed in any way other than through experiencing the effects of the sufferings one has inflicted on one's neighbour. And through this experience of karma the beings develop so as to be able to receive and perceive the next unveiling of the Godhead.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 37
The Veiled and Unveiled Eternal Truth