The Eternal World Picture, vol. 4
36.4  Without the sensory accessibility of eternity and infinity in the form of time and space
If eternity and infinity were not thus divinely connected to all created things in the form of time and space, all sensory perception, and thereby all manifestation, would be a total impossibility. And without sensory perception or creation no form of life whatsoever would exist, no form of living being whatsoever and thereby no manifested universe either. And without manifestation and experience all the eternal realities, such as the I in the living beings and the Godhead, complete with the eternal cosmic organs, would be in absolute stillness. Everything would be unmanifested. The manifested body of the eternal Godhead that shines and sparkles today, which we express as the universe, would be an unmanifested something, and everything would thereby resemble an eternal, lifeless nothing. But the universe is not a lifeless something. One of the greatest facts of life is that the universe is an eternal, organic, bodily structure and instrument for the one and only existing Godhead's manifestation of love, all-penetrating flood of light and basis of life for all existing living beings.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 36
The Structure of Eternal Life