The Eternal World Picture, vol. 4
37.3  Instinct and the primitive human being's view of life
As long as the being senses with its instinct alone, which means has a vague notion that a providence exists, it cannot form any idea about what this providence looks like. It can imagine this providence only in its own image, but in an idealised form. Here the principle of world redemption intervenes and causes beings from a higher plane of existence to be born as world redeemers for human beings. These world redeemers are able to formulate an explanation of the Godhead or Providence suited precisely to the instinctive consciousness or understanding of those human beings. Since these beings live at a stage where killing in order to live is still vital to them, they therefore kill not merely animals but are also at war with people, and cannot possibly understand an image of a god that does not also have to live under the same conditions as them and who must be at war, must murder, kill and mutilate and the like. And since universal love thus does not exist yet in these beings, they cannot possibly understand a view of God that proposes that the Godhead is an all-loving being that does not murder or kill and cannot wage war like themselves. For this reason the vague notion that they have about the existence of a providence or gods is couched in an interpretation that is precisely the image of their own way of being and existence, but in a higher and mightier form. We have a good example of this in our Nordic mythology. Here the strongest beings who killed most were, of course, life's greatest heroes and the favourites of the gods. The home of the gods, "Valhalla", was, of course, the paradise for these heroes of death, who were geniuses at oppressing, murdering and killing other people. The beings that could not do this, but refused to murder and kill, were regarded as weaklings and unworthy to enter "Valhalla". They had to languish in "Helheim", which must have been the "hell", so to speak, of that time. And one understands here that teachings about the Godhead in the form of Christianity's gospel of love would be totally incomprehensible to beings at this stage of evolution. The beings that did not fight for their lives in this primitive world must perish completely. Killing in order to live was thus of vital importance to these beings. For this reason they had to have a providence, a godhead that was an expert at their killing way of being, a heroic godhead that they could look up to and, if need be, get help from in their own wars. This, the first primitive human beings' view of a warlike providence, gods or a godhead, was thus the first incipient unveiling of the mystery of life. It was the first unveiling of the eternal Godhead and the highest living "something" behind the living structure of the entire universe. It was the very first weak gleam of light from the radiant profusion of God's spirit, which had begun to rise like a sunrise here above the blackest night sky of the mystery of life.
Symbol by Martinus
Symbol no. 37
The Veiled and Unveiled Eternal Truth